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An Easy Guide to Upload Videos on Facebook Pages and in Meta Business Suite

Facebook is a great platform for businesses, organizations, and individuals to connect. With its easy-to-use tools, you can share your content with your followers and reach a larger audience. Videos are one of the best ways to engage with your viewers and communicate your message. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to upload videos on Facebook pages as well as in Meta Business Suite. You can watch the video to get a visual idea of how to go about this. Read step by step by guide below.

Uploading Video on Your Facebook Page

Step 1: Log in to the Admin Panel of Your Page
Before you start uploading videos, make sure that you are an admin of the page you want to upload the video on. Log into the admin panel using your credentials. On the left-hand side of the page, click “Videos” and then select “Upload Video” from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Select Your Video File
Once you click “Upload Video”, a new window will appear where you can select the video file from your computer or device that you want to upload. Once selected, click “Open” to upload it onto your page. The maximum size for a single video file is 4 GB and it must be in either MP4 or MOV format.

Step 3: Add Details About Your Video

Step 4: Publish Your Video Once all of your details have been added and saved, click “Publish” at the bottom of the window to make your video available for viewing by visitors of your page. This will also post a link to it on your timeline so that followers can access it directly from there as well. Depending on which type of video you’re uploading (360° or Live), there may be additional steps necessary before publishing it. Make sure that you read each step carefully before clicking “Publish”!

Uploading Video Using Meta Business Suite

You can also upload videos using Meta Business Suite (MBS).

MBS is an online platform that allows businesses to manage their social media accounts including Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and more. To get started with MBS:

Step 1: Create an Account Go to and create an account if you don’t already have one. Once logged in, select “Create New Post” in the left navigation bar then choose “Video Post” from the dropdown menu under “Create Post Type”.

Step 2: Select Platforms & Upload Video After selecting “Video Post”, select which platforms you’d like this post to go out on by checking off each one individually – for example; Twitter & Instagram – then upload any relevant images or videos associated with this post by clicking “Add Media” at the top right corner of this window.

Step 3: Configure Settings & Publish Once all relevant information has been added (including hashtags) and saved, click “Configure Settings” located at the bottom right corner of this window where you can adjust settings such as privacy level and schedule date/time for when this post should automatically publish & send out across each platform chosen earlier. When finished configuring settings click “Publish” at the bottom right corner & the post will immediately go live!

Sharing videos is a great way for businesses and organizations to connect with their audiences on social media platforms like Facebook. By following these easy steps outlined here today, uploading videos onto both Facebook pages as well as through Meta Business Suite has never been easier! Whether you’re looking for simple engagement or want something more sophisticated like automated posting capabilities provided by MBS – now’s the time to start taking advantage of these powerful tools available today! Intended Audience Website owners and business marketers looking for ways to easily share their content with their followers online through popular social media platforms like Facebook & Twitter via automated posting tools provided by Meta Business Suite (MBS).

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Dr. Mayo Adegbuyi

Dr. Mayo Adegbuyi is the president of BizCrown Media, where he assists businesses with digital marketing strategies and services to grow their awareness and revenue. He holds a Bachelor's in Fine Arts (Graphic Design), a Master's in Integrated Marketing Communications, and a Doctorate in Business Administration. With over 4 million YouTube views and extensive leadership experience, Dr. Mayo blends creativity, strategic insight, and cutting-edge techniques to accomplish business goals.