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What is Google Business Profile?

Google Business profile, (formerly known as Google My Business) is a powerful tool that can help businesses with marketing. It allows you to create a business listing on Google, which can help customers find your business online. You can also use it to manage your online presence, including posting updates and creating ads. In this post, we’ll show you how to use Google Business Profile for marketing your business.

How can you use it for marketing your business?

Google Business Profile is a free tool that allows businesses to control how they appear online when people are searching for them. It is a great way for businesses to add to their marketing and provide the best information they can about their business. By creating and verifying your Google  Business listing, you can appear in Google Maps and search results, making it easier for customers to find you. You can also manage your business information, such as your hours, website, and contact information. 

One of the most helpful features is the ability to post updates, offers, promotions, and events. These updates show up in search results and on your Google Business Profile listing, giving potential customers an easy way to learn about your business and what you have to offer. Photos are also a great way to showcase your business and attract attention. By adding high-quality photos of your product or service, you can give customers a better sense of what you have to offer and what makes your business unique. 

In addition, customers can leave reviews of your business, which can help you attract new customers. You can manage and respond to reviews as well, giving you a greater ability to handle customer service quickly and effectively. 

Finally, you have the ability to run ads on Google through this platform. Ads on Google Business Profile can be targeted to specific audiences, and they can be customized to promote specific products or services. Additionally, these ads can be scheduled to run at specific times, making it easy to control your advertising budget. Running ads on Google Business Profile is an effective way to reach new customers and grow your business.

What you can add to your business profile:

Basic business information

You can add important basic information about your business such as your hours, contact information, and business pictures. You can also include a brief description of your business. The information you provide will help potential customers find your business and decide whether to use your services. In addition, the pictures you include can give customers a sense of what your business looks like and what it has to offer. 

COVID-19 Updates

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have used Google Business Profile to provide updates on their hours and operations. By providing accurate and up-to-date information on their Google Business listing, businesses can help customers make informed decisions and can show what precautions they’re taking.

Offers or promotions

Businesses can share their latest offers and promotions with potential customers on Google Business Profile. This is a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes, as it allows them to reach a wide audience with minimal effort. By taking advantage of this feature, you can ensure that your target customers are always aware of your latest deals.

Updates on what’s new

You can share news or updates on important things going on in your business. This type of post can be similar to social media posts since they can include an image and a caption. Sharing business updates is a great way to allow customers to stay updated on your business. 


You can also share important events your business has on Google Business Profile. Many people look online to find events close to them, and posting upcoming events will make them easier to find when people are searching. 


You can use the products section to showcase your business’s current or new products. When people are searching your business online, this provides them a quick overview of the types of products you sell.

Here are some quick tips:

Overall, Google My Business is a great tool to not only control how people see your business online, but also it helps you give an overview of important business information as well as what your business has to offer. Not only does it give customers quick and easy access to your contact information and hours of operation, but it also allows you to post photos and videos, publish updates and announcements, and track your performance with insights and analytics. All of this can be done for free, and it only takes a few minutes to set up. In today’s digital age, it is more important than ever to have a Google My Business page. If you are not already using this powerful tool, now is the time to get started!

Check out more on how to get started with Google Business Profile here! If you’re looking to optimize your business more on Google, here is how to optimize your business for local search.

Do you need a little extra help optimizing your business on Google? Contact us! We provide a wide range of digital marketing services that can help your business appear higher in searches online.

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