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Dr Mayo discusses in this video how to enhance your brand using digital marketing to take control of your career. Personal branding is becoming increasingly more important than ever, especially if you are making a career move.

Digital media is a very powerful way to take control of your career by being your own boss or working where you want to work at the pay grade you desire. You can! Watch this video and start enhancing your brand today for your desired career!

Now you can capitalize on your digital brand using available resources like social media, website marketing and more to enhance your awareness so you can provide services that you are skilled and proficient in. Many customers looking for services or products you provide are constantly searching online and it’s up to you to make them find you! 

If you are settled on beginning to grow your online awareness or business, social media is one of the quickest and most affordable ways to connect with others. Efforts like Google advertising, search engine optimization and blogging tend to be costlier options, especially when you are just beginning your journey. 

Need a basic social media strategy to kick things off for your business or brand? Here are 3 basic things to consider for a successful social media strategy. 

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