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Podcast marketing is emerging

Podcasting is on the rise! Edison Research says that in 2017, 37 million Americans listened to a podcast at least once a month. That’s up from 24 million just two years ago. As podcasts continue to grow in popularity, more and more businesses are starting to see the potential for using podcasts as a marketing tool. Podcasting is a great way to reach out to your target audience in a personal and engaging way, and it can be used for a variety of purposes, from promoting your business or product to building brand awareness. If you’re not already taking advantage of this growing audio trend, now is the time to start.

What are podcasts and how do they work

A podcast is basically an on-demand, internet radio show that you can stream or download from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The most popular podcasts are typically focused on a specific topic or interest, such as news and current events, fitness and health, politics, or entertainment. Most podcasts also include informative or entertaining content in the form of audio clips, guest interviews, commentary from experts in the fields discussed, and more. The main appeal of podcasts is that listeners can tune in and consume the content at any time that’s convenient for them. Many podcasts also update frequently so that listeners always have something new to listen to.

The benefits of podcast marketing for your business:

Podcasts provide another avenue of content for people to find you online

When marketing your business, it is crucial to put your brand out there in as many places as possible. Podcasts have become a popular source of media for many people in recent years. As a business, you want to jump on trending and popular forms of media as soon as you can so you can stay relevant and follow where people are going. Starting a podcast is a great way to put your business out there on another platform and provide a source to where people can link back to your website.

Not only do they provide another avenue for content that people can find and consume, but they also give businesses a new opportunity to connect with their audiences. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to promote your business or an established company looking to increase brand awareness, podcast marketing can be an effective way to reach potential customers. And thanks to the growing popularity of podcasts, it’s easier than ever to connect with potential customers. With a well-written show outline and some strategic promotion, you can use podcast marketing to grow your business and reach more people than ever before.

You can reach an entirely different audience from traditional social media

For businesses, podcasts offer an excellent way to reach new audiences. While traditional social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are still important, they tend to attract the same people. Podcasts, on the other hand, provide an opportunity to reach entirely different groups of people. In addition, podcasts are an intimate medium—people often listen while doing other activities like commuting or exercising—which can make them more engaged with the content. They’re perfect for busy people who want to consume content on the go; plus, with so many people now working from home, podcasts don’t have to be actively consumed like most other forms of media.

In addition, traditional social media platforms are dominated by text-based content and imagery while podcasts are primarily audio-based. They tend to appeal to a much different audience than Facebook or Instagram users. Podcasts tend to attract audiences looking for longer form-versions of entertainment or information, so you will find people there that you might not on say Twitter. Because of these benefits, using podcasts in your marketing strategy can be an excellent way to reach a whole new demographic that may not typically engage with your brand on other platforms.

They are the perfect place to share your industry expertise

Using podcasts to market your business is another great way to get your message out there. Just like on social media platforms, podcasts give you the opportunity to become an industry expert and share your knowledge with others. Unlike social media, however, podcasts tend to have a more discerning audience; people actively seek out podcasts in order to learn new information, so they are much more receptive to what you have to say than they might be on other platforms.

In providing information through podcasts you are not only creating valuable and informative content that people will actually enjoy consuming, you are also presenting your business as an expert in the industry and a place where people can go to find information. This is a great way to promote your business in a way that helps people, therefore not even feeling like you’re promoting your business. By using podcasts as a marketing tool, then, you can present valuable information and expertise directly to those who are interested in hearing it.

You can break down content from podcasts and use it on other platforms

When you add more forms of content into your marketing, this helps add to your content repertoire. Having a variety of content (such as photos, infographics, short form videos, long form videos, etc.) for your business is a good way to put your business out there in as many places as possible and also helps provide content for every type of consumer. 

Most importantly, when it comes to using and reusing content, having a podcast provides just  another source to break down content for other platforms. This will help you get more content out there and push out content you think is most valuable in more places. For example, you can use clips from your podcast as social media posts or create blog posts that expand on topics covered in your episodes. You can even use podcasts as a way to repurpose existing content. For example, if you have an article that’s been gathering dust, you can use it as the basis for a podcast episode where people might find it more interesting. No matter how you use it, podcasts provide another avenue for getting your content in front of your audience.

As you can see, podcasts are a great way to promote your business. It is important to take advantage of marketing trends as they come to stay up to date in the marketing world. With more people than ever before now listening to podcasts, it’s the perfect time to start using this form of marketing to reach your target audience. When used correctly, podcast marketing can be an extremely powerful tool for businesses of all sizes.

If you are looking to get started but need a little more help, contact us! We provide a wide variety of digital marketing services.

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